Nightlife Harm Reduction: A New Harm Reduction Frontier?


2011 - Los Angeles, CA


Lisa Campbell Salazar, TRIP! Project Coordinator, Toronto, Canada
Dina Perrone, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, California State University Long Beach
Benedict Lee, Chief, Research and Epidemiology, Los Angeles Department of Public Health, Substance Abuse Prevention and Control
Carissa Cornwell, National Outreach Director, DanceSafe, Madison, WI
Stefanie Jones, Event Manager, Drug Policy Alliance, New York, NY

Nightlife harm reduction has never truly caught on in the U.S., despite a brief flare of interest around the late 90s and early 2000s. What has been the impact of the RAVE Act, eight years in? What can we learn from the strategies our neighbors in Europe and the U.K. have adopted? What might nightlife harm reduction in the U.S. look like?